Letters to Summer

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Hello Pen Pals! This is a bonus letter just for you, to thank you for supporting us on Patreon. In this letter, we've each chosen to try out something that the other person recommended in a past letter—because what good are recommendations if you don't give them a try? We hope you like it!

We tried


From Letter 65

Is it cheating to do something that Jill recommended to me before she wrote about it? No! That’s the whole point! This album is SUCH a good no-meetings-lots-of-tasks workday album; it’s energetic but has some slower parts to pull you out of the head-bopping haze it can send you into while doing silly little e-mails.

– Summer


From Bonus Letter 12

I’m going to do something controversial, something that has never been done before in the history of these follow-up letters, and say that even though Summer really liked this album I just don’t have particularly strong feelings about it! I think it’s good. I think brutal and good 4 u are absolute bops, and I can’t listen to drivers license anymore because I’ve heard it in too many TikToks. I like what Olivia’s doing and I think it’s sick that teenage girls have her music to screamcry to in the car, but mostly the album was just okay to me!

– Jillian