Letter 47

September 24, 2020

On fall

On one hand, I like fall a lot. I like the cooler temperatures and that feeling that hangs in the air that reminds me of being in school or going trick or treating as a kid. I like wearing big sweaters and thick socks. I like the corny Hallmark smell of autumn-themed candles. On the other hand, I hate that it’s already dark by 7 pm, and I hate that it’s going to keep getting dark earlier and earlier. I hate that it’s going to get harder to make outdoor plans as it gets colder when I’m already barely leaving my apartment. I hate that wearing a mask fogs up my glasses even worse when the temperature drops below 70 degrees. But there’s nothing I can do about any of that—fall is here! We are still in the middle of a pandemic and we are still learning how to cope! The best I can do is appreciate the coziness of having a warm drink inside, invest in a SAD lamp, and look forward to the fall Animal Crossing update, I guess. We’re in this together!!!


I’ve been craving a seasonal coffee since September hit. Although I was never a big Starbucks fan, the cafes near my college and old apartment would conform to the trend with peppermint mochas, pumpkin spice, eggnog lattes, etc—there was always something new and special to try once the wind started blowing a bit colder. Of course, I’m in California, so much of this month has been windows closed, air purifier on, N95 and surgical masks doubled up to take my laundry out to the washer. Although my area is lucky enough to have had less smokey days, the season still doesn’t feel real. I want to wear long sleeves and drink something artificially flavored! I want to need a scarf because I am asthmatic and my chest is getting cold! I’m unlearning the East Coast hegemonic conditioning of “4 seasons” since I’ve been living in California for so long, but the seasons feel so, so fake in quarantine. I love fall, but like, is it really here?


We recommend

📽️ The High School Musical Trilogy

My partner and I have been going through the High School Musical trilogy these past few days, just for fun, and hey! They’re still great, better than La La Land. After watching Down to Earth with Zac Efron, I think I have a different fondness for him, because I’m seeing Troy in a different light than I had before. He’s a good boy! They’re all on Disney+, go have fun!


🔗 Rookie Print Sale

There are a few days left to buy a very cool print or sticker set from the Rookie Print Sale, a fundraiser donating 100% of the proceeds to the Movement Voter Project. They’re selling a lot of really cool art, and you can help them support a bunch of local grassroots orgs that are working to get more people voting this fall. (Also, if you haven’t registered to vote or requested your mail-in ballot yet, please do so!)


🔗 Wendy Xu’s Interview with Merlin Sheldrake

Wendy Xu is one of my favorite artists. She has a few graphic novels out, several shorter comics you can get on gumroad, and occasionally does these really wonderful comic-essays. Probably my favorite one so far came out on Catapult a few weeks ago, a hybrid review-interview of the book In the Wilds of an Open Soil by Merlin Sheldrake; she’s illustrated their conversation about his book about mushrooms and foraging, and it’s just so utterly charming and fantastical.


🎮 Among Us

If you somehow haven’t already heard of Among Us, you’re welcome. It’s a very silly and fun multiplayer mafia-type game, where you work together as a team to complete a bunch of silly little tasks on a spaceship and find out which player is an imposter trying to kill everyone. It’s chaotic and perfect and I very much recommend playing it online with a bunch of friends. Available on Steam (Windows only) or mobile. I also recommend watching people play it on Twitch—it’s so funny.
